AXA UK Advises London Businesses to Review Fire Risk Assessments










AXA Commercial, a division of AXA Insurance UK plc, is urging London businesses to reassess their fire risk assessments and employee training following the London Fire Brigade’s (LFB) announcement that, starting in October, it will no longer respond to daytime activations of automatic fire alarms in most non-residential buildings.

In the year leading up to March 2024, the London Fire Brigade (LFB) responded to 52,000 false alarms triggered by automatic fire alarms. Starting in October, and as noted by Fire Safety Matters, the LFB will not respond to automatic calls between 7:00 am and 8:30 pm to alleviate the strain on Fire and Rescue Service resources.

“The London Fire Brigade’s decision is in line with the stance taken by many other Fire and Rescue Services across the UK,” explained Dougie Barnett, director of customer risk management at AXA Commercial. “It’s crucial that London businesses are aware of the change. If there’s a fire, employees need to know to dial 999 during the working day because there will not be an automatic response as there has been in days gone by.”

Barnett added: “The change will impact all businesses with a remote connection to an Alarm Receiving Centre. It means their fire risk assessments will need to be updated, and staff will require additional training to make sure they respond in the appropriate manner in the event of a fire outbreak.”

Preparing for the Change

According to Barnett, there are several areas where businesses should focus their attention to prepare for the change.

As referenced, fire risk assessments and staff training should be updated, emphasising actions employees should take when a fire alarm sounds during working hours. For businesses with shift work, specific guidance should be provided for actions required during both response and non-response periods.

Ensuring that staff members understand the need to dial 999 in the event of a fire and that they must report the incident to the Fire and Rescue Service is vital. Individual employees should be given responsibility for the action required.

Establishing an early identification system when the fire alarm is activated to determine if it’s a false alarm or an actual fire that requires the premises to be evacuated and the Fire and Rescue Service to be called is also a ‘must.’

Training has to be delivered to the relevant staff members so that they understand messages displayed on the fire alarm panel to assist with early identification of which detector has been activated within the premises.

Ensuring that the fire alarm system has been regularly maintained by a competent contractor to prevent false alarms has to be factored in.

Putting Plans in Place

Dougie Barnett concluded: “This will be a significant change for London businesses, and it’s one that’s going to impact their fire risk assessments. It’s important they prepare now and put plans in place so that employees have the required training and knowledge to hand before the London Fire Brigade actions this change and it comes into force.”

For clarity, the LFB will continue to respond to automatic alarms between the hours of 8:30 pm and 7:00 am. Full details can be found on the LFB’s website.

Please contact us today for more information or to schedule a fire risk assessment.

RM Risk Management

0121 236 0642

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