Tenants at Risk from Failed Actions
The Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) has issued a report claiming that Runnymede Borough Council failed to meet the necessary regulations regarding electrical certification and Fire Risk Assessments work management and subsequently put tenants at risk. Two of Runnymede Borough Council’s developments were reported upon. Firstly a 17-storey tower block, and then also a sheltered housing scheme. The report stated that “relevant required actions were identified in two successive Fire Risk Assessments dating back to 2018 for the tower block, and 2017 for the sheltered scheme.” It then further stated that Runnymede Borough Council “has had no reliable means of evidencing, across its homes, the completion of remedial actions arising from Fire Risk Assessments.” Runneymede Borough Council has a legal responsibility to provide for the health and safety of occupants in their homes, however the RSH concluded that the Council “did not have an effective system in place to allow […]